One of the earliest uses of Cord Lining Stem Cells is in resurfacing burns. The Stem Cells are placed on a flexible scaffold and then applied onto the wound after surgery. This enhances recovery of burns without requiring a skin graft from another part of the body. Stem cell treatment is commonly used for burn victims with chronic or widespread burns.
Examples of successful treatments of burns using our stem cell technology:
53 year old lady with chronic thermal burn wound was treated with Cord Lining Stem Cells. The wound was closed in 7 days, no skin graft was required, and the wound has continued to remain stable to this day - almost 10 years later.
30 year old male with full thickness chemical burn wound on the dorsum of the foot, which had remained open for several months. The wound was successfully closed in 21 days with CLSC, and no skin graft was required. The patient was spared more complicated surgery (e.g. microvascular free flap resurfacing).
CLSC treatment to heal a full thickness chemical burn with exposed tendons
CellResearch Corporation has conducted/ is conducting research on burns applications using Cord Lining Stem Cells with these clinical collaborators:
Professor David Herndon and Dr Katsuhiro Kita at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Galveston, Texas;
Dr. Mai Manh Tuan at St Paul’s Hospital Burns Centre and the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Hanoi, Vietnam;
Dr. Dinh Van Han at Hospital 103 in Hanoi, Vietnam;
Professor Andrew Burd and Dr. Linda Huang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, SAR.